If you are interested in obtaining more information about the group projects or you want to colaborate with us in new projects, the contact addresses are:
Dr. José Luis Villarroel Salcedo
Telephone: (+34) 976 762347
Email: jlvilla@unizar.es
Aragón Institute in Engineering Research (I3A)
University of Zaragoza
50018 Zaragoza, Spain
Dr.Arturo Mediano Heredia
Telephone: (+34) 976 762382
Email: amediano@unizar.es
Aragón Institute in Engineering Research (I3A)
University of Zaragoza
50018 Zaragoza, Spain
If you find any fail in the webpage or you have suggestions about its content, you can contact with us:
Mr. Antonio Muñoz Fumanal
Teléfono: (+34) 974 215484
Email: anmunoz@unizar.es
Group of Technologies in Hostile Environments (GTE)
Aragón Institute in Engineering Research (I3A)
Walqa Technological Park
Ctra. Zaragoza N-330a km.566, 22197 Cuarte (HUESCA), Spain
Dr.Vanessa Bataller Cervero
Teléfono: (+34) 974 215484
Email: bataller@unizar.es
Group of Technologies in Hostile Environments (GTE)
Aragón Institute in Engineering Research (I3A)
Walqa Technological Park
Ctra. Zaragoza N-330a km.566, 22197 Cuarte (HUESCA), Spain